Praise the Lord JESUS. Alleluia.
Dear Friend,
Let me write to you why I have come so close to the living God and why I trust in him. As a baby of 11 months old I got this sickness of Polio with all the doses being given to me and I was rushed to the hospital in a serious condition. The doctors did all that they could and finally left me to die. During this time as my mummy prayed with tears in her eyes asking God to keep me alive, a Priest by the name Rev. Fr. Edgar D'souza known to my mummy and her family who had then just come down from Lourdes got the news that I was dying and he walked into the hospital room with holy water and mud bought from Lourdes and he put it in my mouth and instantly I opened my eyes. My mummy was very happy that the Almighty God had given new life to her daughter but sad that I had lost the use of my legs. But my mummy did not give up. She kept taking me for Prayers from one place to another and the Almighty God honoured her prayers, tears & sacrifices and the Prayers and tears and sacrifices of all those who prayed for me.
I remember, I was taken for Prayers to a Priest named Rev. Fr. A. V. D’souza and as he prayed over me along with his team , my left leg which was declared to be dead by the doctors started vibrating under the power of the Almighty God to such an extent that the Priest stopped his prayers and said to my mummy, your daughter will not walk until and unless you forgive the person who is responsible for this. But my mummy did not give up. She continued taking me for Prayers .The Almighty God started touching my legs and strengthening my feet, although no external manifestations were seen. After this I was carried and taken to a Priest named Rev. Fr. Jonathan Dias and he started Fasting and Praying over me every Saturday. God started manifesting his mighty power in and through the Prayers of this anointed Priest who was involved in the ministry of healing and deliverance. God Almighty had mercy on me and he took away my Stomach Belt, Waist Belt, my Crutches and my right Leg Calipers away. Today I am wearing a Caliper only for my left leg from thigh downwards. Today with a big Smile on my lips I can say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. I have no regrets as my sickness and my Sufferings have drawn me closer and closer to the Almighty God. Many a times the Almighty God has left his throne in heaven only to meet the needs of someone like me who is so dear to him. He has proved time and again that he is alive and that he cares for me. Deep down in my heart I just know that God will never let me down no matter what happens. I will relate to you in my other mails how God has come to my aid from time to time each time I was in trouble.
Sandra D’Souza
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